"Real without being actual, ideal without being abstract. Time doesn't exist when you're.... jstchillin!"
Currently Chillin... My Biennial is Better Than Yours @ Xth Biennale de Lyon
September 14th, 2009 - January 3rd, 2010 an online project curated by Tolga Taluy With AIDS-3D, Raphael Bastide, Jacob Broms Engblom, Ludovic Burel, Michelle Ceja, Petra Cortright, Clode Coulpier, Nicolas Djandji, Aleksandra Domanovic, Constant Dullaart, Roc Jimenez de Cisneros, Martin Kohout, Dennis Knopf, Oliver Laric, Tobias Leingruber, Abigail Lloyd, Guthrie Lonergan, Fanette Muxart, Peter Nowogrodzki, Nicholas O'Brien, Ilia Ovechkin, Angelo Plessas, Isabelle Prim, Anna Ramos, James Shaeffer, Harm van den Dorpel, Sarah Weis, Mth Wrth and Damon Zucconi. Serial Chillers In Paradise Soon To Chill...
JstChillin's Guide to Chillin on Geocities @ InternetArchaeology.org |